Step 1
If you are seeking legal help, or simply want to discuss your options, please fill out the form on this page (or call us) to schedule a free consultation. Please provide a brief description of your legal issue along with your contact information. The information you provide will remain confidential. Andrew will then contact you within 24 hours to schedule your free and confidential consultation.
Step 2
At no cost to you, Andrew will meet with you to discuss your legal issue and address any questions and concerns you have. This free legal advice can be done over the phone, via Zoom, or in person. The choice is yours. The information you provide will remain confidential.
Step 3
Upon completion of your consultation, Andrew will provide you a free assessment of your legal issue. If you wish for Horvat Law to provide you legal representation at the conclusion of your consultation, you will then provide a standard written consent to be represented by Horvat Law. Even if no partnership with Horvat Law is formed, the information you provide will remain confidential.
Step 1
Fill out the form on this page (or call us) to schedule a free consultation. Please provide a brief description of your legal issue along with your contact information. The information you provide will remain confidential. Andrew will then contact you within 24 hours to schedule your free and confidential consultation.
Step 2
At no cost to you, Andrew will meet with you to discuss your legal issue and address any questions and concerns you have. This free legal advice can be done over the phone, via Zoom, or in person. The choice is yours. The information you provide will remain confidential.
Step 3
Upon completion of your consultation, Andrew will provide you a free assessment of your legal issue. If you wish for Horvat Law to provide you legal representation at the conclusion of your consultation, you will then provide a standard written consent to be represented by Horvat Law. Even if no partnership with Horvat Law is formed, the information you provide will remain confidential.
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